Thursday 29 October 2009

Further update

The lake is progressing nicely with the roads and footpaths also the hedges around the trackStill got trees to plant so as to improve the emtyness look

waych out for my next update adn please ask any questions at all I do have some layout materials ove for sale as well

Wednesday 21 October 2009

another update

The hill is still progressing wit the addition of more trees and hedges.
The lake is getting to look like a lake now and a level crossing has been added so as to allow the boats ect to reach the lake The boats will be addes later, The fencing has been added and also the roadway . If you want to know what items have been used please email me an i will be pleased to help

Wednesday 14 October 2009

How the hill is progressing and the track connections now they hidden. The start of the brickwork on the upper level and the start of the stations.
This now brings my layout up to date as it is now so the additions will be a bit further apart as the work progresses I hope this has been of use to you and if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to email me as i hav built layouts in oo, n, z, and now t.Thanks for looking jeff

The start of the hill and water outlet and the position on the layout. The hill is now covered with modrock but not the water outlet yet

The finished (nearly) upper level on its pillars and how it will run through the hill. Eventually the underside of the raised track will be lit

Tuesday 13 October 2009


All fencing added and the background painted ready for the upper layer to be added Pillars painted .probably a bit large but seem to blend in ok

Monday 12 October 2009

Now adding fencing and uprights for upper layer
Also the basic shape of the hill out of polystyrene to be covered in modrock later.

Some more pictures of the layout as it progresses with backboards in place and track filled in ready for next stage

The first images of my layout

After making the base board 3'x3' i started to layout the trackin the position that i wanted it. not secured yet in case i wanted to move it

All the track was worked out on the base board and then secured so as to build the rest around it after test running engines in all the track.

The small picture is of the track connectors and how they will disappear later
The other picture is of filling in between track and adding back boards ready to support upper track.

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